The most severe foot fracture that can affect the fifth metatarsal remains the Jones fracture. If you think you have a Jones fracture, the best course of action is to see a qualified doctor as soon as possible.
Symptoms of a Jones Fracture
Symptoms of a Jones fracture remain:
• Pain that worsens over time and occurs in the foot, leg or ankle.
• Swelling, numbness or tingling in the foot or ankle.
• Discolored purple skin on the foot or leg.
• Fever in the affected area.
Jones fractures take a long time to heal. Getting the correct diagnosis remains a crucial part of treating this fracture.
Diagnosing a Jones Fracture
When diagnosing a possible Jones fracture, a doctor may:
• Ask how the injury occurred.
• Ask when the pain started.
• Perform a physical examination.
• Press on diverse areas of the foot.
• Take images of the foot like an x-ray.
Treating a Jones Fracture
Once a definite diagnosis of a Jones fracture occurs, the doctor considers such treatment factors as:
• Your activity level.
• The severity of the fracture.
• Your overall health.
Treatment before the Doctor’s Visit
First aid for a possible Jones fracture includes?
• Resting the injured foot.
• Placing ice wrapped in a clean cloth on the affected area.
• Using an elastic bandage to compress the foot.
• Elevating the foot higher than the heart.
Treatments for a Jones Fracture
Supporting the foot remains one of the primary methods of treating a Jones fracture. You may be required to wear a non-weight-bearing cast for six to eight weeks. About 20 percent of Jones fracture injuries heal without surgery.
Jones fractures remain relatively easy to reinjure. Doctors sometimes recommend surgical treatment to treat such a fracture, especially if you are active or athletic. The incision for a Jones fracture surgery remains small, and the operation is done on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia whenever possible. Plates, screws or rods are utilized to reinforce the fractured part of the foot. In rare cases, bone grafts remain employed for a Jones fracture that resists healing.
If you think you may have fractured your foot, please contact Plano Orthopedic Sports Medicine and Spine Center today for a proper diagnosis. Our 11 board-certified physicians specialize in treating orthopedic injuries as well as a rehab physician. Each of the physicians specializes in a specific type of sports medicine such as:
• Knee treatment
• Shoulder treatment.
• Sports medicine.
• Foot and ankle treatment.
• Hand and wrist problems.
• Neck and spine issues.
• Joint replacement.
• Physical medicine.
Please contact us at Plano Orthopedic Sports Medicine and Spine Center today for an accurate diagnosis of your foot pain and treatment options recommended by experts in their field.
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To schedule an appointment with one our specialists, contact our scheduling department at 972-250-5700 or request an appointment online.
POSMC is a full-service medical facility specializing in the evaluation and treatment of orthopedic injuries. The practice is led by a group of 12 board-certified and fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeons and a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician. Contact us today!