The bones and joints of the lower extremities of the body take a lot of pressure from day to day. They must carry the weight of the entire body, plus they are the most active parts of the body. These joints and bones deal with much high impact forces like running, jumping, and walking. Often times, the joints will suffer from wear and tear, become thin, and lose cartilage. The ankle is a very vulnerable joint because it is at the end where most of the impact lands. When people start to have problems with the ankles, an orthopedic doctor is who they should see.
The full service medical team of fellowship trained, and board certified surgeons and doctors at the Plano Orthopedic Sports Medicine and Spine Center specialize in injuries that affect the ankle. If the ankle needs an ankle replacement, these are the physicians to see. A severe ankle problem will require surgery, or ankle replacement, to get the joint back to functionality. The ankle is a complex area of the body, and there are many specific instructions that need to be followed. After the surgery, rehabilitation is vital in order to regain function, strength, and range of motion back to the ankle.
The rehabilitation will consist of learning to use a walker or crutch so that no pressure is put on the ankle. Patients must stay off the ankle for up to six weeks. Activities of daily living will be encouraged. The patient will be instructed as to how to control the pain and swelling. Two weeks after the surgery, the therapy will begin with the ankle range of motion forsiflexion/plantar flexion. The patient will maintain the range of motion in the hip and knees. They will then begin to increase the core strength, hip, and knee. The type of therapy required for ankle surgery is any physical therapy that the doctor or the therapist prescribe. exercising the foot is important, and the therapist will inform the patient of the exercises that will be most beneficial.
Physical therapy and exercise are the combinations that will get the ankle back to normal after replacement surgery. The patient can expect some swelling, but must be aware that the swelling must be kept down. They will also have a boot or splinter on the foot to help keep it motionless. It will remain on the foot until the doctor is ready for your physical therapy to begin. During recovery, the patient will be informed as to how much movement the foot can have. Minimal movement is expected. Many patients look forward to the day of their first physical therapy session because they will get to see their foot for the first time since the surgery. Beginning the therapy also means that everything has gone as expected with the surgery, and the ankle is healing as it should.
Contact Plano Therapy Center today!
3405 Midway Road Suite 500
Plano, TX 75093
Phone: 972-473-0229
Fax: 972-473-7273
Hours: Monday – Thursday 7 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Friday 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Contact us to set an Appointment