Plantar Fasciitis is a common foot problem that can lead to stabbing pain in the bottom sole and heel area. The pain can start as soon as you get out of bed in the morning and gradually lessen as the day goes on. Discomfort may become worse after certain activities. Your doctor here in Dallas can help to diagnose and treat plantar fasciitis pain. Plantar fasciitis can be effectively helped with a number of therapies.
Causes of Plantar Fasciitis
The plantar fascia is a bow-shaped structure of tissue that supports the arch. This tissue can become stretched and torn from daily work and athletic activities. People who are on their feet throughout the day often develop this problem. Individuals who are carrying extra weight may also find the additional pounds puts pressure on the feet, which can lead to plantar fasciitis pain. Running and other types of physical activity can also increase your risk for plantar fasciitis problems.
How Your Doctor Diagnose Plantar Fasciitis
Your doctor will ask a number of questions about when you experience pain and under what conditions. Generally, the answers to these questions is enough to indicate that plantar fasciitis is the problem. A physical exam can show areas of tenderness in the foot associated with this condition. However, your doctor may also order x-rays to determine if bone spurs are contributing to foot pain. An MRI can also eliminate other causes of foot pain.
Therapy To Reduce Foot Pain From Plantar Fasciitis
Your doctor may recommend you wear splints at night to stretch the fascia at the bottom of your foot. Physical therapy provides exercises that strengthen the plantar fascia and strengthen muscles in the lower leg. Athletic taping may also help to support the arch and bottom of the foot. Acupuncture may be helpful for reducing pain from plantar fasciitis. Ultrasound therapy can be used to break up and remove damaged tissue in the foot to reduce painful symptoms. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy is a technology that is applied to the heel to improve comfort and function. Severe cases of plantar fasciitis may require surgery to repair tissues and reduce pain.
If you are troubled by severe heel pain on waking up in the morning or after rigorous exercise, the problem may be plantar fasciitis. You don’t have to continue suffering with constant pain that inhibits your participating in your normal activities. This condition can be treated with a variety of remedies and therapies to reduce pain symptoms and improve function. Contact Plano Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Center for specialized care for your plantar fasciitis pain. If you are having foot pain in the Dallas area call POSMC today!