Achilles Tendon Injury


Treating Achilles Tendon Injury in Plano, Frisco, McKinney and AllenWhat is it?

Achilles Tendon Injury, Plano Orthopedic: The Achilles tendon is one of the larger tendons in the body. Stretching from the heel bone to your calf muscles which include the gastrocnemius and soleus, you can feel this band of tissue at the back of your ankle and just above the heel. The achilles tendon allows you to extend your foot and point your toes to the floor. Unfortunately, it’s commonly injured caused by tendinitis, overuse, but can be torn or in severe cases ruptured. Achilles tendon injuries most often occurs due to overuse, athletic activities, not stretching enough before exercise, and even wearing high heels which increases the stress and tension on the tendon. Plano Orthopedic physicians help diagnosis and treat Achilles Tendon Injuries.


If the achilles tendon is injured, depending on the severity of the injury to the tendon, you may feel burning pain and tenderness during or after activity along the back of your foot and above the heel. Pain may especially be noticed during stretching of the ankle or standing on your toes. If a tear or rupture has occurred the patient may feel pain and a snapping or popping sound at the time of the injury, followed by swelling and the inability to stand or point the toes.


The good news is that for minor to moderate Achilles tendon injuries they usually heal on their own. Treatment includes rest, ice, over-the-counter pain relievers and physical therapy. However, in severe cases you may need a cast or walking boot, or even surgery to repair the tendon or remove the excess tissue.

If you feel you might be experiencing pain due to an injury of the Achilles Tendon you can call and schedule an appointment with our foot and ankle specialists, Dr. John Crates and Dr. Solomon Chaim.

If you are experiencing Foot & Ankle pain, weakness of the Foot & Ankle, stiffness of the Foot & Ankle or swelling of the Foot & Ankle, give us a call 972-250-5700 or make an appointment now.


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