Excision of Morton’s Neuromas


Excision of Morton's Neuromas in Plano, Frisco, McKinney and AllenWhat is it?

Excision of Morton’s Neuromas: The enlarged nerve that is compressed or pinched between the bones and the ligament that holds them together in the foot is Morton’s Neuroma. This procedure is used when conservative treatments fail. It eases the pain by releasing the pressure from the nerve or removing the nerve. A post-operative shoe is usually worn until the stitches are removed in 10-14 days, and patients return to normal comfortable walking shoes after 3 weeks.

If you are experiencing Foot & Ankle pain, weakness of the Foot & Ankle, stiffness of the Foot & Ankle or swelling of the Foot & Ankle, give us a call 972-250-5700 or make an appointment now.


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